Grand Haven City Projects
Industrial Drive Lift Station Reconstruction
The City is reconstructing the lift station on Industrial Drive from mid-March through May 2024. The existing lift station, constructed in the late 1970s, will be converted into a modern submersible pumping station with new pumps, controls, and telemetry based on the...
2024 Street Resurfacing
The City of Grand Haven resurfaces some City streets in the spring each year. The project is split between local and major roadways. In 2024, the work will include some cemetery road resurfacing and a portion of Escanaba Park. Work is anticipated to begin in mid-April...
Ferry Street Water Main Project – Grant to Robbins
A new water main is being constructed to ensure water system reliability as the region experiences continued growth. The water main will be installed in the west lane of Ferry Street between Grant Avenue and just south of Robbins Road. Both lanes of Ferry Street will...
Lead Service Line Replacement Project
The State of Michigan requires that all communities remove and replace all lead water service lines over the next 20 years. The City of Grand Haven is committed to complying with the State's requirements and has been diligently investigating the water service...
Mulligan’s Hollow – Accessible Path to Tennis/Pickleball Courts
The City of Grand Haven will construct a pathway from the Mulligan's Hollow parking lot to the Tennis/Pickleball Courts to provide greater access. Construction will begin April 15, 2024, and is scheduled for completion by May 24, 2024. This project is designed to help...
If you have any questions regarding any Projects, please call Dana Kollewehr, Project Manager, at 616-847-3493 or send a message here: