Public Act 228 of 2020 gives local units of government the ability to conduct public meetings through remote access technology, including conference calling, real-time streaming, or other platforms.
Local governments may meet virtually for the purposes of passing budgets, authorizing emergency spending, and taking other action necessary to conduct essential government business in public meetings without endangering the health and safety of the participants of these meetings.
Please take notice that an electronic Zoning Board of Appeals meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, December 16, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. to gather citizen input on the following request:
Case 20-16: A request by Home Pro of West Michigan, 520 Elm Street, Spring Lake, MI 49456 on behalf of property owner Gilbert M. VanWeelden for the property located at 1138 South Harbor Drive, Grand Haven, MI 49417 (parcel #70-03-29-154-042) for one (1) variance to the Grand Haven Zoning Ordinance related to providing access to a proposed detached garage off of Harbor Drive/Lake Avenue:
Please see the procedures below for public participation.
Individuals will have opportunities to participate in the Call to the Audience and the public hearing in real-time during the electronic meeting. Please refer to the meeting notice on the City’s webpage for viewing and participation options, as well as to review the meeting packet: The packet will be posted on the website by Friday, December 11, 2020.
Written comments may be addressed to Jennifer Howland, Community Development Manager, Grand Haven Zoning Board of Appeals, 519 Washington Avenue, Grand Haven, MI 49417. Emailed comments may be sent to To be considered at the public hearing, written and emailed comments must be received by 12:00PM, Wednesday, December 16, 2020. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact the Community Development Department at 616-935-3276.