The City of Grand Haven Zoning Board of Appeals has scheduled a Public Hearing to gather citizen input on the following request:
Case 23-03; A request by Chris Lisowicz for a variance related to a proposed building addition at North Shore Marina located at 18275 Berwyck Street (parcel #70-03-20-300-011): a variance from Sec. 40-542.B.12 to allow for a building height of 45 feet where 35 feet is the maximum height for a marina in the Waterfront District..
The Public Hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at 7:00 pm in the City of Grand Haven Council Chambers, 519 Washington Avenue, Grand Haven, MI 49417. The meeting packet will be posted on the City website by Friday prior to the hearing If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact the Planning Department at 616-935-3276.
Individuals may express their opinions in person at the public hearing, or written comments may be addressed to Brian Urquhart, Grand Haven Zoning Board of Appeals, 519 Washington Avenue, Grand Haven, MI 49417. To be considered at the public hearing, written and emailed comments must be received by 12:00PM, Wednesday, June 21, 2023.
If you are planning to attend the public hearing and require reasonable special assistance, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (616) 847-4886 at least two days prior to the scheduled hearing.
Brian Urquhart
City Planner, City of Grand Haven