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Human Relations Commission

March 25, 2021 @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Public Act 254 of 2020 gives local units of government the ability to conduct public meetings through remote access technology, including conference calling, real-time streaming, or other platforms.

This order will allow local government to meet virtually for the purposes of passing budgets, authorizing emergency spending, and taking other action necessary to conduct essential government business in public meetings without endangering the health and safety of the participants of these meetings.

Please take notice that the Human Relations Commission meeting on Thursday, March 25, 2021, at 5:30 p.m. will be held electronically.

Please see the procedures below for public participation.

This meeting can be viewed live on the City of Grand Haven Facebook Page.

Individuals will have two opportunities to participate in the Call to the Audience in real-time during the meeting:

Prior to the virtual meeting, residents can electronically submit comments or questions to the Neighborhood Development Coordinator, Rhonda Kleyn at rkleyn@grandhaven.org. Electronic submissions must contain the individual’s name and address. Submissions received prior to the meeting will be read aloud during the call to the audience.

Similarly, residents can submit a comment on the Facebook Live stream of the meeting. The virtual meeting will be streamed live per usual practice at the City of Grand Haven Facebook Page. A board member will be collecting comments and reading them during the Call to the Audience. In order to be considered, individuals must include their name and address. If your comment is submitted after the first Call to the Audience, it will be read aloud towards the end of the meeting during the second and final Call to the Audience.

One final opportunity to participate in real-time will be via phone. When the Human Relations Commission reaches the Call to the Audience portion of the meeting, residents will have the opportunity to dial in at 616-935-3275. Callers must give their name and address, are limited to three minutes and should speak very clearly in order to be heard by all participants and viewers. If several calls are received at once the phone will have a busy tone. Please be patient and hang up and call back. Staff will answer all calls.

If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact the Neighborhood Development Coordinator, Rhonda Kleyn at 616-935-3275.

Dated: March 22, 2021
Posted: March 22, 2021

Linda L. Browand
City Clerk


March 25, 2021
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm